Endangered Species
I've got federal 10(A) permits to conduct presence absence surveys for Yellow-billed Cuckoo, southwestern Willow Flycatcher, and California Gnatcatcher. I also have extensive experience with Swainson's Hawk, Burrowing Owl, Spotted Owl, Tricolored Blackbird, Bell's Vireo and others.
Nesting birds surveys
Active bird nests are protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. Finding them and planning around them is an important part of construction projects in the US. I've observed thousands of nests of hundreds of bird species around the world.
Construction monitoring
Big construction projects are complicated and often have multiple layers of permits. I've worked on many different kinds of such projects around heavy equipment, helicopters, and in a variety of jurisdictions. Compliance can happen.
potential Clients...
You've found my personal web page. Please head over to the business page for Woodstar Biological LLC and make contact with me there. If you need a team of top-notch biologists, that's where to start.